Does anybody remember Dennis Miller? The snarky commentator of Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live? The hipper-than-thou observational comedian whose arcane references made you feel great when you got them? Well, if you see him tell him we want him back.

I watched Dennis' new HBO show the other day. I was curious to see what his comedy was going to be like seeing how 9/11 turned him into another Fox News watchin', Bill O'Reilly lovin', Sean Hannity diggin' asshole. Man, I was disappointed. I was disappointed not only because he was really not funny but because he didn't even try to be funny or clever about his views. OK, you don't like James Carville. But to stoop down to calling him "onion-headed"? Making fun of his head movements when he speaks? Really? Is this the same guy who said: "I just flew in from LA. I love Louisiana."?

Going after Robert Byrd because he's old? Is this the best you can do, Dennis? I guess it's OK to be old if you're Jesse Helms or Strom Thurmond, right? They're Republicans. It's fine for those upstanding gentlemen, but not Senator Byrd (Democrat).

Saying you don't believe in global warming because you don't trust temperature records from 1905? Go look at pictures of the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. Again, it just wasn't funny.

Let's support the invasion of Iraq because Hussein and his sons were bad guys. No shit. Nobody liked them but they were marginalized within their own borders. There was no threat to us or anybody else - whatsoever. They had nothing to do with Al Quaeda, bin Laden or WMD. I thought you were a comedian. If you supported that invasion then MAKE ME LAUGH about your views don't just parrot what those other Fox News idiots are saying.

I speak a lot about Bill Hicks. For good reason. He was totally pro smoking and I am totally anti smoking. You know what, Dennis? When he talked about non smokers, I laughed my ass off. I didn't agree but he was FUNNY about it. Something you forgot to do.

Good thing for you Hicks died over 10 years ago. He would have put you in your place AND made you laugh while he was doing it.

I'm so happy your career is in the dumper.